More Government Tax Evasion,0,6191617.story

Timothy Geithner, Tom Daschle, and now Nancy Killefer…

Government officials that have not paid taxes.  The last two withdrew, thankfully (should have been booted).  The first is heading up the treasury department.  Seriously!?

I want someone to tell me how government can impose a tax on it’s people, but those in charge can get away with as much as $140,000 in unpaid taxes!  As citizens of this country, we ought to be outraged!

President Obama, where is the change that you promised?  If your words during the campaign were true you would have made a statement and  booted all three.  OR, do you have a dirty little tax secret too?

And lets not forget Bill Richardson and his “pay to play” corruption investigation.

Where can upstanding, tax-paying, honest citizens apply for Presidential Cabinet positions?